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May 2004

Triforce Majeure
05/26/04 - 6:17PM -
First, I finished an article and put it up. The first one with a background picture in a while to boot. I also added a few little/crappy pictures to the gallery to make up for the lateness. And third and finally I have to make sure you know about this remix. It is quite possibly one of the best pieces of music I've ever heard. So now that I've given you three (2.5 really...) things to check out in one day, I expect that you shouldn't be expecting much for some time now.

~Ryan out.

The Raven
05/25/04 - 3:59PM -
Please excuse the lack of update. I won't really be able to do much in the near future, as it's getting to that point in the school year when teachers assign as much as they can and tests are abundant. Fortunately, I only have math and chemistry to worry about, so I'll probably have time to add a couple smaller things here and there. Anyway, updating should resume normal pace somewhere betewwn mid-June and the start of July, when all I have is free time. Oh, and there was no update this weekend due to being out way too much and having a IM whore as a brother.

~Ryan out.

05/21/04 - 8:41AM -
Hooray for no school! Eh, it's just an activity day, so I'm not missing anything. But anyway, I finally got around to properly cleansing my PC of evil programs, and it turns out I had a nasty trojan buddy of that CWS thing that's been going around. But thanks to Merijn's CWShredder, it was disposed of right quickly. And this whole story just to tell you I put up a new link. Guess where to? New article due either late Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Don't miss it.

~Ryan out.

Twice As Hard
05/19/04 - 4:47PM -
It took a little longer than I'd have liked, but the second Disney World log is up. I would have had it done yeasterday, but I was out all night. It happens. Especially with me. Oh, and you'll have to deal with any typos you might find, because it's way too long for me to go over with to find an "it's" that should be an "its". If any of the picture links go to the wrong place though, I'd like to hear about it. That problem is easily and quickly fixed. So yeah, PC was trojan'd, but that's gone as far as I can tell. Updates will resume normal pace eventually. Sorry about the mixed-up updates lately, that trip really threw off my rhythm.

~Ryan out.

Down Again
05/18/04 - 1:27PM -
First of all, it's not my fault. I was going to update yesterday, but there are vile things going on with my internet. And for those of you thinking you're all clever and such, I'm typing this at school. Ooh, I feel like such a rebel. But anywho, I'll run every virus/spyware/hijacker killer I've got tonight and try to fix that little oopsie. And then all will be well... if it works. If not, well then you're waiting a couple more days. So deal.

~Ryan out.

The Path
05/16/04 - 3:35PM -
Okay, so the week went to complete waste. I'll level with ya, I was just being lazy and putting off anything I sould have been doing. Tomorrow there WILL be an update. Whether it's going top be big or small, I don't know, but it will happen. I've still got 6 days of Disney World coverage to do, and there are also a couple ROMs that I wanna bring to your attention in the next little while. You know you can't expect much from a guy like me, but I will get back to regular updates eventually.

~Ryan out.

Chop Suey
05/10/04 - 11:25PM -
My new article is up. Should have been done yesterday, but while I was writing I got distracted by lunch, and then GameCube. I just can't resist tasty things. Or GameCube. Especially when my alternative is writing. Don't get me wrong, folks, I love writing, but it gets tiresome and annoying after a while. So I took a day-long break. It's not exactly the next installment in the Disney World saga, but it's sort of a spin-off. Anyways, updates will hopefully be a lot more frequent this week, cause I want to finish this Disney World thing in as small a timeframe as possible, just to minimize unneccessary suspense. And that's all for today.

No, wait. Gotta give a shout out to my buddy Justin, who hits the big 18 today. Happy birthday, man. You know I can't afford more than this, so don't expect anything.

~Ryan out.

Tear it Up
05/07/04 - 7:21PM -
Holy crap, I've been living a day behing eveyone else... And for like a week too. Just goes to show how little importance dates hold for me. Today I managed to post a new bit of craziness from good ol' Steve. It's about penguins. I'm sure you'll like it. It's just awesome the stuff he comes up with. And never for any real reason other than to look busy, either. So that's up there, and more updates might come later tonight or tomorrow. Most likely the latter, as you've probably come to expect.

~Ryan out.

Dreams Come True
05/05/04 - 6:06PM -
One out of nine new articles is complete. It's up on the articles page, and the rest will follow during the rest of the week and next week. Possibly even dipping into the beginning of the week after. In any case, I have a lot of work to do. All for the good cause though, and now that I'm done for today, I can get back to studying for that test that I'm going to fail tomorrow. I hate Henri LeChatelier and his stupid principle.

~Ryan out.

Hold On
05/04/04 - 8:38PM -
Oops. Due to an excess of procrastionation and the need to study, I'll have to delay my next piece until tomorrow. Don't worry, it'll be there. I just really have to figure out how to calculate equilibrium. Ha. Oh boy, it's not going to be easy to pass chemistry this year...

~Ryan out.

Monday Morning
05/03/04 - 4:39PM -
New month, new news archive page. It's a very simple thing to do, but I hate doing it. Anyway, that's done now, and I've been toying with the redesign, but it's far too complicated for someone like myself. I guess I don't need it anyway. Just look at Maddox's site. It's even more scarcely decorated than mine, and it's great. I'll keep trying, but don't expect a whole lot. Or anything really great, either, cause my lack of Photoshop (or moreso the lack of hard drive space on which to install Photoshop) isn't exactly helping matters. Now that I'm done babbling, here comes the actual news. You can expect at least 6 individual submissions during the next two weeks. They all fit together, but I'm cutting them up to make it look like more. So that's that. First one should be up tomorrow. Until then.

~Ryan out.
