Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

Edwin The Great says: Hello again! Ryan Man says: Howdy! Ryan Man says: (For lack of better greeting)

Edwin The Great says: Today will be an ad-lib sort of show. we don't have anything planned Ryan Man says: i do

Edwin The Great says: really? well done Ryan Man says: let's start with the word of the day, seeing as my e-mail is open at the time

Edwin The Great says: sounds like a good place to start Ryan Man says: today's word is... Ryan Man says: Virago Ryan Man says: not to be cinfused with Viagra

Edwin The Great says: nothing should be convused with viagra. stupid tums... Ryan Man says: virago \vuh-RAH-go; vuh-RAY-go\, noun: 1. A woman of extraordinary stature, strength, and courage.2. A woman regarded as loud, scolding, ill-tempered, quarrelsome, or overbearing.

Edwin The Great says: what opposite definitions... Ryan Man says: "This virago, this madwoman, finally got to me" Ryan Man says: indeed Ryan Man says: well, now that that's out of the way, what do you say I do the weather repot

Edwin The Great says: please do Ryan Man says: ok Ryan Man says: today was pretty snowy, but cleared up at regular intervals or every half hour Ryan Man says: i can't tell you what it's going to be like out tomorrow, because my dad is watching CMT

Edwin The Great says:

Edwin The Great says: i'll check for us. Ryan Man says: but if it's anything like today, it's be good no-jacket weather Ryan Man says: now to Edwin the Great with the traffic report

Edwin The Great says: hmm... +2 degress outside

Edwin The Great says: oh! hey

Ryan Man says:

Edwin The Great says: well, to be honest, net traffic is quite hard to check... so all i can say with certanty, the school's website will have no visitors tonight or ever for that matter

Edwin The Great says: i'll put it at the beggining.

Ryan Man says: ha ha ha. you are quite the joker.

Edwin The Great says: do the same

Ryan Man says:

Edwin The Great says: name goodness

Edwin The Great says: change your name too.

Ryan Man says:

Ryan Man says:

Edwin The Great says: you have to put for it to be commented out...

Edwin The Great says: the irony is that anyon reading this won't see it

Ryan Man says: i'm just putting that to know what to delete

Edwin The Great says: oh

Edwin The Great says: okay

Edwin The Great says: is my name fine on your account?

Ryan Man says: yeah

Edwin The Great says: okay

Edwin The Great says: so. back to that show!

Ryan Man says: now, back to the ....yeah

Ryan Man says: i guess since I'm listening to music, we'll do music now

Edwin The Great says: seems appropreate

Edwin The Great says: goddamn spelling!

Ryan Man says: since about 5:00, I've been listening to the soundtrack from the Lagend of Zelda: the Wind Waker

Ryan Man says: on Planet Gmaecube radio

Ryan Man says: grrrr... typos all over

Edwin The Great says: i've been listening to a combination of a new found glory and MxPx

Edwin The Great says: all dat

Edwin The Great says: *day

Edwin The Great says: everyday

Edwin The Great says: for a solid week

Ryan Man says: Not By Choice is better

Edwin The Great says: wait... come to think of it... i don't listen to it at school...

Edwin The Great says: ah well...

Edwin The Great says: back to PGCR

Ryan Man says: yes

Edwin The Great says: what's the address?

Ryan Man says: I hope it stays on until the game is released

Ryan Man says: just a sec

Edwin The Great says: we have all day

Edwin The Great says: no need for such, waiting remarks

Ryan Man says: or until 10 omething

Edwin The Great says: ...that made no sense didn't it...

Ryan Man says: damn you emoticons

Ryan Man says:

Ryan Man says: try that

Edwin The Great says: not bad

Ryan Man says: according to RealPlayer, I've been listening for 2 and a half hours since I took a break

Edwin The Great says: that's one devoted listener...

Ryan Man says: I think right now it's playing the ending music

Ryan Man says: well it's good stuff

Edwin The Great says: not bad

Edwin The Great says: now, onto... sonething...

Ryan Man says: I've always liked game music

Ryan Man says: yes

Ryan Man says: how about Classic Gaming

Edwin The Great says: certainly

Edwin The Great says: i know nothing about most of it

Ryan Man says: ah. then I shall ramble on about the ups and downs of...

Edwin The Great says: due to being deprived my first 10 years on this planet

Ryan Man says: *looks for suitable game*

Edwin The Great says: don't look at me

Ryan Man says: MegaMan 4, due to it is the best of the NES Mega Man games

Ryan Man says: because it's got Skull Man in it

Edwin The Great says: can you tell us a little about skull man?

Ryan Man says: well. He's by far the coolest Robot Master ever

Edwin The Great says: i see...

Edwin The Great says: does he have flame cannons?

Ryan Man says: no

Edwin The Great says: does he have a jet pack?

Ryan Man says: he's Skull Man, not Fir Man

Ryan Man says: or Tengu Man

Ryan Man says: but I don' think Tengu Man had a jetpack...

Ryan Man says: he's got a SKull Barrier

Edwin The Great says: what sort of robot master is this? he doesn't shoot fire, or fly!

Edwin The Great says: i suppose that's not bad...

Ryan Man says: he shoots the same thing MegaMan shoots, so that's gotta count for something

Edwin The Great says: blue plasma?

Ryan Man says: and he's got a red button on his ribcage

Ryan Man says: yellow

Edwin The Great says: good enough

Edwin The Great says: he cool

Edwin The Great says: *he's

Ryan Man says: it also helps that he's got the best .EXE reincanation

Edwin The Great says: .exe?

Ryan Man says: yes, from MegaMan Battle Network(GBA), or if you prefer, the Japanese Rockman.EXE(GBA or anime)

Edwin The Great says: the computer reference is duely noted, it's got a few more points in my book.

Ryan Man says: play MMBN, you'll be overwhelmed by computer references

Edwin The Great says: perhaps i shall, perhaps i shall...

Ryan Man says: mostly because half of the game takes place in the internet

Edwin The Great says: that does make sense...

Ryan Man says: and MegaMan is no longer a blue robot, but a program shaped like a blue robot

Edwin The Great says: now that's just plain odd... a program doesn't have a shape!

Ryan Man says: they do in the future!

Edwin The Great says: or... maybe it does in the future...

Ryan Man says: and in Reboot

Edwin The Great says: it's scarry when we think the same thing...

Edwin The Great says: hey! that's true!

Edwin The Great says: i could go for some season 3 right about now...

Ryan Man says: but I never liked Rebott, so back to MM4

Edwin The Great says: alright...

Ryan Man says: while the star was obviously Skull Man, we also saw some of the other great Robot Masters

Ryan Man says: such as Pharaoh Man. He always killed me good

Edwin The Great says: since i have no idea what your talking about... i'll just agree...

Ryan Man says: MM4 also marked the appearance of the chargeable Mega Buster

Ryan Man says: I think Mega had evolved the slide ability in MM3 though

Edwin The Great says: i'm off to get food again

Ryan Man says: ok

Ryan Man says: that means it's time for Tech Tips!

Ryan Man says: unfortunately, I din't have any questions for today, so I'll just wait here

Ryan Man says: and sing a song!

Edwin The Great says: i'm back, but still want to hear the song

Ryan Man says: *swing your arms, a-from side to side, come it's time to go, do the Mario!*

Edwin The Great says: i knew you'd do that...

Ryan Man says: *take one step, and then again. let's do the Mario, all toghether no!*

Ryan Man says: now*

Edwin The Great says: mmmmmm... cheese...

Ryan Man says: ok, i'm done

Edwin The Great says: alright

Ryan Man says: do you have the questions today?

Edwin The Great says: nope

Ryan Man says: ok

Ryan Man says: then no tech tips today, since nobody has any problems

Edwin The Great says: not me anyways.

Ryan Man says: well, that means it's time for the software review

Edwin The Great says: alrighty!

Edwin The Great says: i'll take this one

Edwin The Great says: today, i reccomend the Opera web browser. don't let the name fool you, it's truely amazing

Ryan Man says: DAMN YOU SKULL MAN!


Ryan Man says: *gets killed again*

Ryan Man says: yes. Operais very good

Edwin The Great says: with it's cleaver layout, and loads of quick shortcuts, it just makes surfing the web better

Ryan Man says: I'll be back in a flash!

Edwin The Great says: it also sports an effective pop up blocker

Edwin The Great says: (bye)

Ryan Man says: and I'm back

Edwin The Great says: unfortunatly, the free version does have an add... but it's worth it.

Ryan Man says: oh well

Edwin The Great says: get Opera7 from

Edwin The Great says: that's about all i have to say about it. the rest is left for the user to marvel at

Ryan Man says: indeed. and Marvel you shall. It's so much better than DC

Ryan Man says: I mean, yes, Batman and SuperMan are cool, but they've got notin' on the X-Men and Spidey

Edwin The Great says: speaking of that, i have a spider man poster in my basement

Edwin The Great says: you should see my basement, it's awsome!

Ryan Man says: you (readers) should see my future bobblehead Link

Edwin The Great says: just needs some good Audio/Video equimpent

Edwin The Great says: yes. it is quite the chunck of pastic

Edwin The Great says: ...with a spring...

Ryan Man says: ahahahahahahahaha!! I finally beat you Skull Man!

Ryan Man says: and now I get the Skull Barrier!

Ryan Man says: I think that deserves a "w00t"!

Ryan Man says: look at the little skulls fly in a circle

Edwin The Great says: i won't bother asking you to stop, it is rather hallarious, cutting in unexpectdly with Megaman playing updates

Ryan Man says: you know, this is awfully similar to the Wood Shield

Edwin The Great says: where's our link to bobble head link?

Ryan Man says: I guess we'll go to the "Links" segment now

Ryan Man says: get it? Links?

Edwin The Great says: i suppose it would be appropreat

Ryan Man says:

Edwin The Great says: har, har

Ryan Man says: Zelda goodness

Ryan Man says: and if you want to see him in Soul Calubur 2

Ryan Man says:

Ryan Man says: I would buy the game just because Link's in it

Edwin The Great says: (that's an ad)

Ryan Man says: really?

Edwin The Great says: check it yourself

Ryan Man says:

Ryan Man says: that should work

Edwin The Great says: yup

Ryan Man says: make sure you have Win Media Player!

Edwin The Great says: poor mac users...

Edwin The Great says: now that's the link my hosehold knows and loves

Edwin The Great says: "soul caliburr tew"

Edwin The Great says: good old japanees english

Ryan Man says: nooooo! my energy has run out! no more swirly skulls for me...

Ryan Man says: NOT THE RUSH COIL! ACK!

Ryan Man says: *dies*

Edwin The Great says: *death music*

Ryan Man says: score! extra life!

Edwin The Great says: so, are we on to useless babble yet?

Ryan Man says: what do you think?

Edwin The Great says: seems a good time to spew into that section...

Ryan Man says: no!

Ryan Man says: forgot site of the day

Edwin The Great says: oh yeah

Edwin The Great says: uhhhh... for all your free game vids?\

Ryan Man says: Ryan's Site of the Day 03/20/03 award goes to....

Ryan Man says: OverClocked Remix 3!

Ryan Man says: Nothing beats remixed video game music!

Edwin The Great says: what's the site?

Ryan Man says: crap

Edwin The Great says: *'s addreddd

Edwin The Great says: crap from my end too

Edwin The Great says: stupid super typo...

Ryan Man says:

Edwin The Great says: hmm... not bad

Edwin The Great says: lots of games...

Ryan Man says: yeah

Ryan Man says: I specifically recommend "Little Mac's Confession" form Punch-Out by Game Over

Edwin The Great says: pretty good

Ryan Man says: now, which boss does the Skull Barrier work on?...

Ryan Man says: is it... Toad Man> or maybe...DiveMan? Whos' to say? Capcom. That's who

Ryan Man says: well, since ToadMan's a wuss, he's next on the chopping block

Edwin The Great says: isn't bad either...

Ryan Man says: since PGCR seems to be offline now, I gues I'll find some other music

Ryan Man says: oh, and "Brainsick Metal"(or something to that effect) from MegaMan X is really good too

Edwin The Great says: " * Please feel free to use this code on your own website free of charge. * You can also distribute and modify this source code as long as this * Copyright notice remains intact and that you send me notice that you * intend to use this code on your website. "

Edwin The Great says: i really like the OC Remix sire now

Ryan Man says: ok

Ryan Man says: I'll let ToadMan live for now, but on Saturday, him and his buddies are going down!

Ryan Man says: *SaveState saved*

Edwin The Great says: erm... overclocked remix...

Edwin The Great says: oh wait, they are OC Remix!

Ryan Man says: yeah

Edwin The Great says: hehe...

Ryan Man says: too bad I can't use my "2 out of 3 clocks agree" joke again, that was gold

Edwin The Great says: time to wrap things up?

Ryan Man says: in about 15 minutes

Edwin The Great says: okay

Edwin The Great says: sounds good

Ryan Man says: today I will go to bed at a decent time

Edwin The Great says: you'd better

Ryan Man says: as long as I don't realize I have homework

Edwin The Great says: or you'll die of sleep dep. or something related to it...

Ryan Man says: oh well

Edwin The Great says: it's best not to try and remember then

Ryan Man says: everyone's gotta go sometime

Edwin The Great says: that's true

Ryan Man says: but I had 2 naps today, so I won't die yet!

Edwin The Great says: 2???

Ryan Man says: and I've missed 3 meals in a row

Ryan Man says: if you don't count the Frosted Flakes, 5

Edwin The Great says: but you have eaten right?

Ryan Man says: yes

Ryan Man says: I missed dinner and lunch yesterday, and reakfast this morning

Edwin The Great says: hehe! reakfest! (i know, but i added the 'e' 'cause it's funnier)

Ryan Man says: actually, it's "reek"

Edwin The Great says: damn it!

Ryan Man says: so 6 days...

Edwin The Great says: 'till?

Ryan Man says: good thing I'm not gong to France

Ryan Man says: Zelda

Edwin The Great says: ...never mind...

Edwin The Great says: i knew that was coming...

Ryan Man says: They leave Tuesday, Zelda comes out Wed

Ryan Man says: saved by the poorness

Edwin The Great says: yeah...

Ryan Man says: although I'm sure that overall going to Europe would be a much better experience than Zelda, but I have my priorities

Ryan Man says: -that

Edwin The Great says: meh, europe's not so great. you see old stuff, and famous stuff... sure it's an adventure of a lifetime and all. if you never travel again in your life

Edwin The Great says: we've got famous stuff right here in canada damn it!

Ryan Man says: I still have fond memories of Giant's Ridge

Ryan Man says: that was fun

Edwin The Great says: why does no one here care!

Edwin The Great says: yeah

Ryan Man says: For some reason I really love hotels

Edwin The Great says: i like to get free stuff

Edwin The Great says: so hotel's are great

Ryan Man says: hmmm... love hotels....

Edwin The Great says: free toothbrush x3, free toothpaste, apple sauce

Ryan Man says: free soap

Edwin The Great says: cream of colly flower soop...

Edwin The Great says: ppos...

Edwin The Great says: soup

Edwin The Great says: hahah! ppos!

Ryan Man says: and continental breakfast, with all the stale donuts you can eat!

Ryan Man says: no, soap

Edwin The Great says: yup

Edwin The Great says: free soap too.

Ryan Man says: as in Mr.Bubble

Edwin The Great says: free TV, free lamp, free light bulbs

Edwin The Great says: just pay in cash, and leave during the night

Ryan Man says: but Mr. Bubble is dead now, and only lives on in comic book ads, trying to sell Mr. Bubble t-shirts

Ryan Man says: speaking of cool t-shirts, you should check out the i-Mockery Squigly fish store

Edwin The Great says: Squigly fish?

Ryan Man says: from SMB2

Edwin The Great says: that rings a bell somehow...

Edwin The Great says: oh

Edwin The Great says: yeah

Edwin The Great says: anyways

Ryan Man says:

Ryan Man says:

Edwin The Great says: i think my dad wants to use the computer, so i'm going to end tonights show

Ryan Man says: ok

Edwin The Great says: well, it's that time of the show, where we say something meaningfull

Ryan Man says: ummm

Ryan Man says: let's ask Amanda, she has lots of good stuff to say at the end of her show

Edwin The Great says: good idea

Edwin The Great says: wait... who's show?

Ryan Man says: wow. I could have sworn a mock was in store

Ryan Man says: oh

Ryan Man says: here we go

Ryan Man says: Amanda's show

Edwin The Great says: T?

Ryan Man says: what about t?

Edwin The Great says: whitch amada?

Ryan Man says: the one on TV

Edwin The Great says: oh

Edwin The Great says: good plan

Ryan Man says: always

Edwin The Great says: i need a fax machine... then i'll know this stuff

Edwin The Great says: yeah

Edwin The Great says: anything good to go out on?

Ryan Man says: i'm thinking

Edwin The Great says: i've got one!

Ryan Man says: go

Edwin The Great says: Alphabet pasta is the food of kings

Ryan Man says: no. Spaghettios is. But it works. Goodnoght everybody!

Edwin The Great says: seeya!

Edwin The Great says:

Edwin The Great says: well, i'm off to bed

Ryan Man says: again with the white

Edwin The Great says: seeya tommorow

Ryan Man says: adios